
Our alert feature is the root of our quantification system - without this data, we would not be able to quantify where we think traders should be ranked in terms of Skill. This is not the only factor that we rely on when it comes to providing traders a rank and a position at Xtrades, however, it is a clear and concise place to start and dissect the trading style of the individual at hand and determine whether or not their style is fit for the needs of providing to the userbase.

Our alerts feature will also benefit the user that is storing their alerts in our database, because as the sample size grows we will be able to create simple statistics surrounding their trading information and eventually provide a more premium data science driven breakdown of the user’s insights. using carefully selected parameters by professional traders Human-based Onboarding Process Quick Sign Up Process The process of becoming used to a new-gen platform is not easy. We can contribute to this process by having a live representative from the company answering questions and giving tips / hints to how to further reach individual goals and properly maximize usage of the platform and it’s features. Properly implemented, this would have a great increase on the conversion rate of the users coming into our platform, as well be an enabler to the mods that are contributing to the process of onboarding. Being able to visualize the work you’re doing and seeing that it’s creating a recurring stream of revenue, is great motivation to the contributors of the platform. Seeing who you’ve brought on board, who’s active, who has cancelled, how these guys have contributed etc is motivational.

We can further articulate this process by using a survey for the users that are looking for onboarding mentors to request a specialty (Stocks, Options or Crypto).

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